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Holiday Gift Shop

 (74 Products)
Our Holiday Shop is now OPEN! From our range of novelty magnets, to our DIY gadgets and therapy magnets we guarantee there is a gift for everyone!
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Pull Strength
Push And Pop Magnetic Bottle Opener
Push And Pop Magnetic Bottle OpenerCode: MBO1
Wood Stove Retrieval Magnet With Switchable Release - 1 in. dia x 13-9/16 in.
Wood Stove Retrieval Magnet With Switchable Release - 1 in. dia x 13-9/16 in.Code: F4MSM350
Professor Gauss Big Bear Educational Magnetic Chalkboard Kit
Professor Gauss Big Bear Educational Magnetic Chalkboard KitCode: F4MCBKBE
Professor Gauss School Bus Educational Magnetic Chalkboard Kit
Professor Gauss School Bus Educational Magnetic Chalkboard KitCode: F4MCBKBU
Professor Gauss Happy Hippo Educational Magnetic Chalkboard Kit
Professor Gauss Happy Hippo Educational Magnetic Chalkboard KitCode: F4MCBKH
Magnetic Sweeper With Switchable Release - Sweeps Nails & Screws Quickly (23.5 in. wide)
Magnetic Sweeper With Switchable Release - Sweeps Nails & Screws Quickly (23.5 in. wide)Code: F4MSM22
Professor Gauss Magnetic Putty with Skittle Magnet
+ more
Professor Gauss Magnetic Putty with Skittle MagnetCode: MAGPUT
From $6.48
Small Notice Board/Planning Magnets - 13/16 in. dia x 1/4 in. high
+ more
Small Notice Board/Planning Magnets - 13/16 in. dia x 1/4 in. highCode: F4M20
From $6.72
Large Notice Board/Planning Magnets - 1-9/16 in. dia x 5/16 in. high
+ more
Large Notice Board/Planning Magnets - 1-9/16 in. dia x 5/16 in. highCode: F4M40
From $6.48
MagFlex® A3 Magnetic Christmas Reward Chart with Colourful Christmas Light Magnets
MagFlex® A3 Magnetic Christmas Reward Chart with Colourful Christmas Light MagnetsCode: MFA3CRC1(P)
MagFlex® A3 Magnetic Jungle Reward Chart with Colourful Star Magnets - Flexible Magnetic Sheet
MagFlex® A3 Magnetic Jungle Reward Chart with Colourful Star Magnets - Flexible Magnetic SheetCode: MFA3RC1(P)
MagTorch Magnetic Torch with Extendable Flexible LED Light - 4 Available colors
MagTorch Magnetic Torch with Extendable Flexible LED Light - 4 Available colorsCode: TORCH(Co)
MagTorch Magnetic Torch with Extendable Flexible LED Light - 4 Available colors
MagTorch Magnetic Torch with Extendable Flexible LED Light - 4 Available colorsCode: TORCH(Co)
MagTorch Magnetic Torch with Extendable Flexible LED Light - 4 Available colors
MagTorch Magnetic Torch with Extendable Flexible LED Light - 4 Available colorsCode: TORCH(Co)
Thin Disc Magnet Selection Pack
Thin Disc Magnet Selection PackCode: TDSP
MagFlex® Lite Flexible Dry Erase Magnetic Labels - 3-3/8 in. Long x 2 in. Wide
MagFlex® Lite Flexible Dry Erase Magnetic Labels - 3-3/8 in. Long x 2 in. WideCode: MFL8951(GWD)
From $4.35
Baby Feet Shaped Magnets - Home & Office (7/8 in. dia x 5/32 in. high) (x12)
Baby Feet Shaped Magnets - Home & Office (7/8 in. dia x 5/32 in. high) (x12)Code: F4MFEET
From $3.88
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - Nebula
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - NebulaCode: TMB025QD
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - Quasar
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - QuasarCode: TMB047D
Mens Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - Pulsar
Mens Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - PulsarCode: TMB072D
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - Centauri
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - CentauriCode: TMB102
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - Velorum
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - VelorumCode: TMB102J
Mens Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - Nuetrino
Mens Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - NuetrinoCode: TMB242D
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - Neptune
Unisex Rare Earth Magnetic Bracelet with Fold-over Clasp - NeptuneCode: TMB246JM
74 Products

Holiday Gift Shop

Browse our fantastic range of Holiday gifts and stocking fillers.

Check out our brand-new Holiday gift packs and save as your shop with huge savings on multiple products included in each pack.

Our packs are the perfect gift for The Host, The Crafter, The DIYer or The Young Learner in your life.

Still, need help deciding?

Take a look at the rest of our magnetic gifts with everything novelty magnets, magnetic gadgets, therapy magnets and more!