It goes without saying that stage designers need to use fixing methods that are not only quick to put up and attach, but also very quick to take down for the next stage setup or design.
We are now receiving a high volume of calls from stage designers wanting to incorporate magnets into their stage props, backdrops, and even costumes to make the transition to the next scene much faster and easier for those involved.

When your next at a stage show, have a look across the stage and we are sure many of the props will use magnets to hold them up. Here is a list of possible items; Wall Pictures and Photographs Scene Canvas / Back Drop Wall Shelves Cabinets Costumes (back of dresses and suits for quick removal) Lighting (off and on stage lights)
Want to know a little secret? – Those quick costume change acts find neodymium magnets very useful!
Neodymium Magnets are perfect for stage and production. We would recommend speaking to one of our friendly technical team to help find the best magnet for your particular application.