Effortlessly Clean-up Your Bonfire With a Magnetic Sweeper

Bonfires are synonymous with the anniversary of the Gunpowder plot and other celebrations with hundreds of private and public displays organized every year. However, the time and financial cost of the clean-up effort after these displays can skyrocket.

To make a bonfire, your need wood and lots of it, that much is obvious. And, within wood such as discarded pallets and furniture, you will find lots of screws, nails, tacks, and staples that hold together the discarded items.

Once the dying embers of the fire have rescinded to ash, the clean-up must begin and while a trusty shovel and a few strong arms will make light work of any bulky charred remains, it is nigh on impossible to collect all the small metal debris that is left behind.

Metal debris can pose a serious risk to people and furry friends alike, not to mention leading to the most infuriating of inconveniences, the dreaded punctured tire.

Thankfully, this is where magnetic sweepers and handheld retrieval magnets with a switchable release really do come into their own. Each can be passed over the area where the bonfire once stood to quickly and easily attract all the sharp metal debris left behind.

22” Wide Magnetic Sweeper on Wheels With Switchable Release

Designed with super strong Neodymium magnets, our magnetic sweepers allow you to easily sweep areas of loose ferrous objects such as nails, screws, and metal to protect livestock and tires.

With no external power required to operate, these sweepers effortlessly pick up sharp ferrous objects and release them into the secure tray. Once the area is clear of debris, simply remove the tray and empty the contents.

22” Wide Magnetic Sweeper on Wheels With Switchable Release

300mm x 30mm Handheld Magnetic Sweeper

Our handheld ferrite magnetic sweepers require no external power to operate and provide a convenient and effective method of sweeping hard-to-reach areas to attract loose ferrous items.

  • 300mm long x 30mm high.
  • Ferrite magnet within a steel case.
  • No external power is required to operate.
  • Constructed from heavy-duty mild steel bar enclosed in a stainless steel case.
  • Perfect for workshops, construction sites, warehouses, factories, and more.
  • Prevents damage to tires and injury to livestock and personnel.
300mm x 30mm Handheld Magnetic Sweeper

Once your fire has fully extinguished and cooled down, simply either wheel the sweeper or pass the handheld magnet over the area where the bonfire once stood and all the metal debris will attract to the strong magnets hidden within each product.

Then, to clean away the debris simply use the switchable release and watch all the debris fall away. Repeat the process until you are confident all the sharp metal items have been received.

Remember always sweep a larger area than what the bonfire originally covered as often metal pieces can be flung from the fire when it is burning.

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