Spooktacular Magnetic Paper Craft Bats

Halloween bats and pumpkins in graveyard

It is scarily easy to spook up your Halloween decorations with these magnetic paper vampire bats. They are simple enough to make at home, and realistic enough to add that extra chilling edge to your Halloween decorations! The small magnets on the reverse will allow you to quickly position them in loads of places in your home or office!

What you will need:


How to make magnetic origami bats:

1) Start with a square of coloured paper, 20cm x 20cm is a good size but the larger the starting piece, the larger the final bat will be. If your paper is only coloured on one side, position the square coloured side down and fold your square in half across the diagonal.


2) Unfold the square, then fold in half the other way bringing the top corner to meet the bottom corner.


3) Fold the top of the triangle downwards leaving a couple of centimetres of the tail showing.


4) This is the trickiest bit to judge – fold the right-hand wing towards the centre along an approximate 60 degree angle. The edge of the wing should cross the centre by at least one centimetre.


5) Fold the wing back out, making sure the top of the wing runs parallel with the top of the shape.


6) Repeat stages 4 and 5 with the opposite wing.


7) Almost there…using a pair of scissors cut away a section of the top to shape the bats ears.


8) Fix a self-adhesive magnet to the back of the bat and stick to a steel surface!

If you want to create a steel surface to stick the bats to, when not use a self-adhesive steel disc to create an instant steel surface, anywhere!

Other designs from around the web

Magnets are great for paper-craft and are a must-have part of the clever crafters tool kit, and what better time to brush up on your origami skills than the run up to Halloween!

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