Effortlessly Clean-up Your Bonfire With a Magnetic Sweeper

Smouldering bonfireBonfires are synonymous with the anniversary of the Gunpowder plot and other celebrations with hundreds of private and public displays organised every year. However, the time and financial cost of the clean-up effort after these displays can skyrocket.

To make a bonfire, your need wood and lots of it, that much is obvious. And, within wood such as discarded pallets and furniture, you will find lots of screws, nails, tacks and staples that hold together the discarded items. Once the dying embers of the fire have rescinded to ash, the clean-up must begin and while a trusty shovel and a few strong arms will make light work of any bulky charred remains, it is nigh on impossible to collect all the small metal debris that is left behind. Metal debris that can pose a serious risk to people and furry friends alike, not to mention leading to the most infuriating of inconveniences, the dreaded punctured tyre…

Thankfully, this is where magnetic sweepers and handheld retrieval magnets with a switchable release really do come into their own. Each can be passed over the area where the bonfire once stood to quickly and easily attract all the sharp metal debris left behind.

For large bonfires – 22” wide magnetic sweeper on wheels with switchable release

Close up of magnetic sweeper with metal debris attracted to bottom


  • 22 inch ferrite magnetic face
  • Chunky solid rubber tyres
  • Adjustable handle
  • Switchable release for easy cleaning
  • Resistant to corrosion

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These sweepers are also widely used by industrial companies looking to keep their factories, warehouses and workshops clear of stray metal debris.

For small bonfires – 350mm long handheld retrieval magnet with switchable release

Wood stove retrieval magnet on white backgroundFeatures

  • 25mm diameter x 350mm long
  • Stainless steel rod with rubber handle
  • Easy release of collected items
  • Lightweight and easy to handle

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Once your fire has fully extinguished and cooled down, simply either wheel the sweeper or pass the handheld magnet over the area where the bonfire once stood and all the metal debris will attract to the strong magnets hidden within each product. Then, to clean away the debris simply use the switchable release and watch all the debris fall away. Repeat the process until you are confident all the sharp metal items have been received.

Remember – always sweep a larger area than what the bonfire originally covered as often metal pieces can be flung from the fire when it is burning.

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