We strongly believe that you can have fun with magnets! We recently received an email from one of our customers, Ed, who proves this.
He has recently been working on the Marble Mania summer exhibition at St Neots Museum. Marble Mania is a collaborative project from The Neotists, a local creative community in St Neots. The project is supported with a grant from Cambridge Community Reach fund. Ed is a local painter and decorator who was commissioned to build the exhibition.
The main feature was a giant interactive marble run, which was built using our very own countersink Neodymium magnets. The project is to encourage children and young people to explore science, technology and mechanics through play.
Ed used 240 x 12mm dia x 4mm thick x 3.5mm c/sink N42 Neodymium Pot magnets.
We would like to thank Ed for taking the time to send over his pictures and videos, we hope we can help him with further projects in the future!