With restrictions currently in place, we are all in hope that we will soon safely be able to meet friends and family again, and what better way would this be than through a party? With the summer of 2021 just around the corner, and just like everyone else our team is ready to make plans and attend parties when possible.
Luckily for you we know the perfect attraction for any party this summer. Recently one of our customers got in touch to tell us how our magnets played a key role in helping set up their own business, The Hush Club.
Having used 300 of our Neodymium (N42) pot magnets in the creation of this mobile disco we were fascinated to find out how exactly our magnets were used.
Our Neodymium (N42) pot magnets are small and shallow but very strong and posses a threaded stud on the non-magnetic face allowing the magnetism to be concentrated onto one face providing the maximum holding force.
Each magnet is coated with three layers of nickel, copper and nickel to provide a smooth finish and reduce corrosion and can support up to 4kg pull vertically from the magnetic face when in flush contact with a mild steel surface similar in thickness.

The simple but effective application saw the top thread of the magnet being screwed into place onto the trailers frame, allowing hundreds of interlinking 30cm squares to be attached to the magnetic face to give The Hush Clubs main attraction a real shine to catch your eye.

Having completed the 18-month long transformation of the vintage horsebox The Hush Club and their Rave Rover are available for booking and are hoping for a busy year ahead. Be sure to check out The Hush Club’s Facebook and Instagram to see the full range of packages available for hire.
We would like to thank The Hush Club for getting in touch and sharing their story with us. If you are currently working on a project or could use some advice, our team would love to hear from you! Contact our experts on 0845 519 4701 or email sales@magnetexpert.com