Here is another great example of creating campervan curtains! This application is very popular amongst our customers and we love to hear how they create them, and due to the versatility of magnets, there are so many ways in which you can create this!
We recently heard from a customer who originally was attaching the curtains with suctions cups, but they found their windscreen heaters was interfering with the fitting. Their solution, magnets!
To make the blinds they measured and cut foam to the size of their window and with their chosen fabric, they glued the frame on to the fabric and then folded the material around the foam frame to create the binding. During this process, they carefully placed the magnets into the binding of the blinds. Binding is a way of hiding the raw edges of cut fabrics.

The magnets then magnetically attach to the metalwork of the campervan and secure the blind into place, whilst creating a sealant-like effect around the window to stop the light from seeping through. View the results here:

As you can see the magnets worked perfectly for their application! Are you currently working on a project or need some advice? Our team would love to hear from you! Contact our experts on 0845 519 4701 or email at